Sunday, January 3, 2010

How I die .

It was a dream I woke up from at 5:45 .Mixed emotions of scary, calm, thrilling, and breathtakingly amazing .It started with rockets flying && crashing && exploding our family's nice houses which looked like millions of dollars . We didn't have a carewhether or not the houses would survive but just as long as everyone else was alright . My auntie took a hose && put out any fireswhile I pointed where the fires were . I felt trapped but safe .When the noises went out my auntie && I walked up back to the houses&& saw that the day turned all around . Blue skies with no signs of smoke or even fire or rockets blasting anymore . But as my mom && sister && cousins came out of the house, my mom anounced a humungous wave was comingand sweeping everyone && everything out . I started to worry && was afraid if we were going to die . My mom was calm && just said, "Let's hold hands." && as we did I told her I was scared . She looked at me with a smile && replied, " Don't be. God is going to take us away from this place && bring us home."&& at that moment, all my worries && fears && heartaches && thoughts washed away as the wave gently swifted us in the water . I thought drowning would hurt because you suffocate when you drown but it wasn't at all like anything I imagined . I died . Sure of that . I died with nothing but happiness in my head . Knowing I was going to truly be home . As I flowed in the water with my eyes closed,all I know was I pulled my soul out of my body and left it there to sway away , I brought my soul up && everything I knew was much brighter in a way no one canexplain . Happiness filled everyone && everything && it seemed no darkness can cometo reach . Home is where the heart is && the heart just hapened to be here .The first I saw was my mom beside me && we fretted whether or not the others would arrive but they momentarily showed up in beautiful dresses with my crazy fun cousin who was eldest in the lead . My heart embraced every moment I was there && the sun shone in a way it nevershone before && no anger, no judgements, no hurt, no pain, no vain, no sin at all . Every little carewe had any little thought or bad thing we kept inside washed away with the wave that washed us && our souls came to peace with the promise God gave, paradise at ease. (:

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